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Puppy love

So, remember that blog post where I mentioned that I was not cut out to be a veterinarian? Well apparently I’m not able to attend pet adoption events without adopting. (haha)

I met a wonderful woman, Rebekah Harp, at a past Friends of Jacksonville Animals pet adoption event and she invited me to join her church for a pet market and adoption event. Many local pet rescue organizations were there with adoptable dogs and cats along with local businesses.

As I had setup and was meeting people at the event, I walked around and checked out the dogs and cats available for adoption. And then, there she was, a dog named Ruby Rose that was 6 months old and just had the cutest face. I went back and forth visiting this dog and spent some time alone with her in the hallway. She was overwhelmed with the activity of the event that day and spent most of the time in her crate sleeping with her brothers. I kept thinking about adopting her and I went as far as to fill out an adoption application. I then thought about my older dog (also named Ruby) and how she may not be so fond of a new dog. So I left the event without Ruby Rose but could not get her off my mind the next few days.

So fast forward to 48 hours later, the rescue group was at my house introducing Ruby Rose to my dog Ruby and cat Molly. The home visit went well and she’s been a joy watching her come out of her shell this week. Learning to climb up stairs, walk on a leash, tossing her stuffed rabbit around, and making the cutest sounds when she’s forced to leave her bed and go outside.

Here are just a few pictures of Lucky, formerly known as Ruby Rose, during her first few days with me.

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