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Giving back, changing lives

I’m not sure how I truly explain the relationship I have with my dog, but it goes beyond what I could ever imagine. We have a connection that just puts me at ease when I come home and see her excitement and happiness. I know that everything is right with the world when she’s beside me or insisting I pet her.

Every once in a while a dog enters your life and changes everything. My dog, Ruby, was the one that rescued me.

Lucky Jack - Giving back to pet rescue groups through purse sales

I am a very introspective person and need alone time to focus on my own thoughts, energize myself, and make sense of the day. When I do that, I have my trusty furry sidekick there to remind me why I started this business. She reminds me of my daily mission for Lucky Jack to continue to give back to pet rescue organizations so that other dogs and cats lead a great life they so deserve.

I rescued Ruby, but she truly rescued me. Let's share the luck!

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